Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Baby Book

So I ordered The Baby Book by William and Martha Sears and it just came. I had no idea what I was in for. I was expecting something like what I already had--like The Premature Baby Book by the same authors. Well, was I in for a surprise. It is HUGE! After lugging it around everywhere I went to read it while I waited for things, I decided, "I need to know how much this thing weighs!" So I got on the scale and weighed myself (not telling :) and then weighed myself holding the book. 4 lbs...that is almost as much as my youngest son weighed when he was born. It is big, but boy is it a good read! It is a super resource and I bought mine for like $5 used online. I highly recommend it, but just be prepared for its large-ness!

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