Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Doula: Picture It!

Recently I attended a birth of a client who had a birth photographer.  Many people may ask, "why have a photographer take pictures of you in pain or when you are most vulnerable?" My answer is that the most vulnerable pictures are sometimes the most powerful, capturing the struggle and essence of life. Birth is painful and messy, but it also moving and beautiful.

As a doula, it is my role to be that the person working in the background, so it is not often that my role is captured. A lot of times, I am taking the pictures for the family so that they can focus on their birth and baby. Maybe you've never seen a doula in "action". As a doula I...

Come to your home when your labor starts...even at 3:00 in the morning...

Offer comfort measures like message...

And the TENS unit...

Help you to know when it's time to head to the hospital or birthing center...

Work closely with medical staff, in a non-medical way, to help you have the birth you want...

Bring you anything you need...

Talk and laugh with you in between contractions...

Reach out when you need a hand...

Support your partner and help him support you...

Support your breastfeeding efforts...

And celebrate new life with you!

I am your constant physical, emotional and information support through YOUR birth and it is such a joy! Thank you!

Special thanks to Marcella, Alex and Jade Vinson for allowing me to blog their photos. Also, all photo credit to goes to Lindsay ( Thanks!