Sunday, November 24, 2013

Informed Birth Choices and Babies R Us

Babies R Us and Informed Birth Choices have patterned to bring FREE one-hour seminars to the Catonsville (6501A BALTIMORE NATL PIKE BALTIMORE MD 21228 P: (410)744-0820) area. These classes are totally free and will cover topics like breastfeeding, pregnancy, and comfort during labor. If you live in the area and are interested in getting some great FREE prenatal and postpartum information, stop by the Catonsville Babies R Us on the following dates (No registration required):

Free one-hour seminars given by IBC at BRU @ 7pm
Informed Pregnancy- 01/16
Informed Breastfeeding- 01/30
Comfort for Labor- 02/20
Informed Breastfeeding- 02/27

Birth Ball Cover

So just picture this...a 5' 3" 115 pound doula schlepping a giant birth ball through parking garages, into elevators, up stairs, through doorways, inevitability bumping into the unsuspecting passer-by. Yeah, that is me every time I take my birth ball into a hospital, birth center, or client's home--my arms barely grasping it. Not to mention when I am leaving the hospital, I feel so gross clinging to the huge rubbery sphere that has just spent hours on a hospital floor and under a laboring woman.

I needed a solution, and there it was on, you guessed it, Pintrest. A birth ball cover with handles! Great, I found what I needed, but it cost over $45 and I didn't even like the pattern the company was selling. So I searched the internet for a pattern and I found the blog that helped me create it. Diary of a Seamstress inspired me to make it. Her instructions were pretty basic, so I thought I wasn't going to be able to do it, but once I thought about it, the design was really simple (and thanks to a super-sewer friend who helped me wrap my brain around the "pattern").

I used stretchy purple jersey (60% off at Joann Fabric) that measured about 36"x 58". I sewed the seam for the drawstring along the stretchy side. Then I folded the fabric in half, and sewed the long side shut. I pinned handles at the bottom and sewed it shut. Next, I flipped it inside out. Easy peasy lemon squeezey! It is a tight fit to get it inside and I would probably consider using spandex next time for the all over stretch. It turned out pretty darn good for my first birth ball cover! Just when I didn't think being a doula could be any sweeter...enter the birth ball cover/bag!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Life in the Womb App

Do you get those updates on your phone or tablet during your pregnancy that tell you what is happening with your body and baby? Just recently, I stumbled across this awesome interactive app for the iOS7 iPad called "Life in the Womb". It guides you on a 3D journey through your baby's conception and birth. The app also gives you information about what is happening with your body and how to stay healthy during your pregnancy. Definitely check it out if you can!