Thursday, September 20, 2012

Booby Traps

When you are a new parent, there is so much information that people give you. But sometimes the information is wrong...and from your doctor. This can be totally frustrating, especially when you are trying to breastfeed. There are so many old wives tales or non-evidence-based information. How do you navigate it all? First do your own homework. Read reputable breastfeeding books (written by organizations whose focus is breastfeeding, e.g. La Leche League) and attend a breastfeeding class. Also, find a pediatrician who is breastfeeding-friendly and who will support you and get you the help you need. When you are having trouble-- get help from a lactation consultant (have this person lined up before you need her help). Finally, compare all your information and question the outlying facts. Knowledge is power, especially when breastfeeding. You can do it!

Here are some breastfeeding myths to avoid:

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